
Golden Circle

System Thinking

Why-How-What Model: The Golden Circle

For understanding how great leaders and orgs inspire action by starting with a clear sense of purpose.


Fogg Behavior Model: A Simple Formula for Behavior Change

Identifies 3 elements for behavior change: Motivation, Ability, and Prompt.

System Thinking

Hook Model: Create habit-forming Products

A four-step process that encourages user engagement and promotes habit formation.
Pareto principle (80/20 rule)

System Thinking

80/20 Rule: Leverage the Imbalance Between Causes and Effects

Highlights the imbalance between causes and effects
Brainstorming method

System Thinking

Brainstorming – Unlock Creativity

A group creativity technique designed to generate a large number of ideas.
Six Thinking Hats

System Thinking

Six Thinking Hats: For Better Group Decision-Making

For Better Group Decision-Making. Encourages participants to approach a problem from six different perspectives.
Johari Window


Johari Window: Unlock Self-Awareness

For understanding various aspects of self-awareness and building interpersonal relationships.
5 Whys Technique

Problem Solving

5 Whys Technique: Uncover Root Causes

Get to the root cause of an issue by asking "why" repeatedly.


PREP Communication Framework

Ensure your message is clear, logical, and easy for the audience to follow.
STAR Method


STAR Method: A Structured Approach to Behavioral Interviews

Maily used for answering behavioral interview questions, particularly those that ask about past experiences or situations.


Feynman Technique: For Active Learning

Learning and understanding complex concepts by teaching them to someone else
PDCA model


PDCA Model: A Continuous Improvement Tool

A systematic approach to continuous improvement, involving Plan-Do-Check-Act 4 activities.
SQRRR Method


SQRRR Method: Boost Your Reading Efficiency and Comprehension

Efficient reading skills, a systematic approach to studying and comprehending reading material effectively.


GROW Model: From Goal Setting to Actionable Outcomes

A coaching framework that helps people clarify goals, assess situation, explore options, and take actions.
FFC Technique


FFC Technique: Provide Constructive Criticism or Praise

Used in feedback or conflict resolution situations to provide constructive criticism or praise effectively.
Pyramid system thinking framework

System Thinking

Pyramid Principle: Unlock Clear System Thinking

Structured communication framework which is supporting your point with logically organized details and effective information delivery.
SCQA Communication Framework


SCQA Framework: Enhance Your Communication

Commonly used to structure your message in a clear, engaging and narrative way.
5W1H: System Thinking Framework

System Thinking

5W1H: System Thinking Framework for Complete Understanding

Gather comprehensive information and provide clarity in various situations
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