KISS review framework

KISS: Framework for Action-Oriented Reviews

An action-orientated review model to convert past experience into practice.

Overview of the KISS Review Framework

The KISS review framework stands for Keep, Improve, Stop, and Start.

It’s a straightforward, easy-to-understand evaluation tool that helps you assess what’s working, what needs improvement, what should be stopped, and what should be started in a project.

One of the great things about the KISS framework is its flexibility—you can apply it at any stage of a project, whether it’s in progress, at the end, or after completion.

The KISS Review in Detail

To better understand the KISS model, think of it in terms of a logical quadrant:

Logical quadrant of KISS review framework

On the X-axis, we have Good/Bad Results, and on the Y-axis, we have Sustainable/Unsustainable.

By combining these, we get the following insights:

Quadrant A: Keep (Sustainable + Good Result)

This represents things you’ve done well. It could be the result of effective methods, good habits, or smart ideas.

The key here is to stick to what works and continue building on these strengths.

Quadrant B: Improve (Sustainable + Bad Result)

Even if you’re on the right path, the results may not be optimal.

Focus on improving processes or tools to make sure you’re still headed toward the right goal.

Quadrant C: Stop (Unsustainable + Bad Result)

When something is both unsustainable and leading to bad results, it’s time to stop.

This could involve stopping ineffective methods, breaking bad habits, or addressing behaviors that are harming progress.

Quadrant D: Start (Unsustainable + Good Result)

If you’ve identified actions that contribute to success but haven’t started them yet, this is where “Start” comes into play.

Begin implementing these actions to build on your successes.


So, how does KISS differ from GRAI?

GRAI emphasizes more on the process of problem/opportunity identification, and KISS emphasizes more on the structural expression of the result, which points to the I(Insight) in GRAI.

In other words, when you come up with a set of actions after conducting GRAI assessment, you can then classify the actions according to the guidance of KISS, and the summarized conclusions will be much clearer and more explicit.

These two models complement each other well.

However, if your goals and results are already clear, you can jump straight into KISS to summarize your actions without needing to go through GRAI.

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Why KISS Is Action-Oriented

KISS helps you face the future with a more practical, action-oriented approach.

By reflecting on past experiences and converting them into actions, KISS helps individuals and teams continuously improve and build on their abilities.

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