4C Marketing Model: A Shift to Customer-Centric Strategies For building customer-focused marketing strategies.
Business Model Canvas: A Simple Guide to Building Smarter Businesses An invaluable tool to visualize your ideas, identify gaps, and refine your strategy.
5A Marketing Model: Boost Customer Engagement and Advocacy focusing on how brands can guide prospects from awareness to advocacy.
AIPL Model: Build Customer Loyalty in Digital Marketing Optimize each stage of the customer journey, from brand awareness to loyalty.
AARRR Model: A Data-Driven Approach to Boosting Growth and Retention in Digital Marketing Amodel redefines digital marketing by focusing on measurable growth and customer retention.
AISAS Model: A Guide to Modern Consumer Behavior in Digital Marketing Adapts traditional marketing concept to the digital landscape.
AIDMA Model: Understanding Consumer Decision-Making in Marketing Classic framework in marketing, helping business understand and influence each stage of the customer journey.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: A Guide to Human Motivation Famous model in psychology and helps us understand what motivates people.